

Narcombat is a security consulting company with the focus being on personal and small business security. Meaning we focus on the individual safety and security on a corparate level for the average American business owner and staff member. We bring corporate level security consulting to small businesses and the average Joe.

We leverage our enormous base of experience, wealth of best practice resources, and the latest quality security and awareness techniques to provide you with high-value services and deliverables. which  will improve personal and business safety and security practices.

Progams Availible

* Home and business emergency procedures – home invasion prevention, fire and health emergency training (three hour course)

* Personal and Professional security and safety seminars 

Professional security practice and procedures  

* de-escalation techniques

* Threat assessment 

* Threat assessment and intervention inspections and resolution services

* Threat assessment 

* Threat assessment and intervention inspections and resolution services

* Non aggressive escape and subdue tactics

* Beginner through advanced knife and makeshift weapons fighting and safety course (one year)

* Non-combative martial arts training

* Stick fighting

* Rape prevention and social safety course

Our highly regarded consulting services can help you address a wide variety of  security business challenges. Give us a call today to find out how we can help you thrive.